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My Weekend In Photos!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! This weekend I planned on staying in maybe work on some school things... Yeah that didn't happen, the bars were calling my name and well I crawled out of bed and made my way over the half block to the bars. My location is my downfall, I live so close to the bars at my uni that I can justify going out every time because well its right there. This week I started the book Saving Wishes which is actually part of a series, that now I think I'll have to read them all. The book is also free on itunes. Now some of you maybe picking up on my obsession with european monarchy shows, Reign, White Queen, The Tudors. I think its only fitting to follow up the White Queen with the Tudors and if you watch the White Queen then you know why. Here in the states the Super Bowl is a big deal, and this weekend was the last of the playoffs. I always manage to be bad luck for the teams I root for because last week it was the Saints this week the 49ers. Now today in the states most of us have off due to the holiday, and I was planning on being productive but when tequila is involved from the night before, I think I'll just stay in bed with my book all day.

What did you all do this weekend?

Have a lovely day!
xoxo Franchesca