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Quick Dry Nails: Two Steps

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

There is nothing more mundane than waiting for polish to dry, if there is anything that can cut the time to down right nothing, I'm willing to try it. After reading Vivianna Does Makeup post on here two step
process for quick dry nails I had to give her technique a try. All you will need is a quick try top coat and some drying drops.

The first step it to paint your nails as you would, you know the base, two coats and now go in with your quick dry top coat. I opt for Seche Vite because literally takes 60 seconds for your nails to dry. However, the last step and the most genius step [I think] is to apply your drying drops I found this lying around and and so pleased with this product. Fresh Paint is a Five Below brand not so sure how accessible this would be to everyone but any drying drops will do. This cuts the time of your quick dry top cut in nearly half, so basically waiting for your nails to try only takes seconds and the drying drops add a really pretty shine.

Before reading Anna's post I was not that big a fan of Seche Vite as I found it was not as quick drying as I expected. I found that it only dried the first layer but did not harden the nails [does that makes sense?]. Using the drying drops has been a revelation! I know understand what the obsession with Seche Vite has been.

What tricks do you all have for a quick mani?
Oh and the shade I have on is Essie Secret Story perfect summery pink!

Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca