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My Fav YouTubers: Pacific Wolfpack

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hey everyone!

So todays post is completely random. Today I was trying to get my networks together and in the process had to delete my youtube account and then start up another account. Thanks google! So because I had to start a new youtube account I had to re-subscribe to channels and that is where I got the idea to do this post. The four girls I instantly re-subscribed to were Shaaanxo, SaturdayNightsAlrite, Lauren Curtis, and Chole Morello. I think this girls are stunning, definelty and inspiration. They all come across so genuine and I find then hilarious. I remember reading comment Chole Morello had made somewhere and refereed to them as the Pacific Wolfpack and I thought that was hilarious, and now I always refer to them as that, lol (I'm such groupie). I love how they are actually friends I think it says a lot about their character that they encourage each other, rather than look at each other as competition. I seriously adore these girls on youtube, and I'm pretty sure almost everyone on youtube has heard of them and if you haven't I completely recommend you do, they are just lovely to watch!

Links to their channels:


Chloe Morello
Lauren Curtis
*These pictures were taken from their Instagram or Facebook pages! 

Hope you all have a fabulous day!
xoxo Franchesca