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Christmas Cracker Tag!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hi there everyone!

So today as I sat down to write I had no idea what I was going to post. I think my brains fried from finals. I was reading my comments and there it was. I was tagged by Claudia from Simply Claudia to do the Christmas Cracker Tag. It was almost meant to be! Make sure you all go check out Claudia's page to see her answers to the tag! So lets jump right in.

1. What's on your Christmas list? 

This year was really hard to find anything to put on my list. I think if I had to say it would be the Clarisonic. 
2. What's on your Christmas Day agenda?
Christmas Day is super casual for me and my family. Christmas Eve is actually a busy day for me, it when all my family gets together and when we open presents.
3. How much Christmas shopping have you done?
I'm all done with my Christmas shopping, I sorta cheated and got everything online because I absolutely hate the stores this time of year. I swear they give me anxiety.  
4. What's been your biggest ever surprise gift?
I'm gonna say it had to be when I was super young, like still into Barbie young. I got the Barbie dream house and I was pretty excited, lol. 
5. When do you usually put up your Christmas tree?
My Christmas tree is usually up in time for Thanksgiving.  
6. Do you have a special outfit planned for Christmas Day?
I normally do, but I don't know what it is yet. My family likes to go all out on the holidays so it get pretty glam. 
7. Do you have any plans for Boxing Day?
No, I never really do anything on boxing day. I try my hardest to avoid the stores till after New Years Eve.  
8. When did you stop believing in Father Christmas?
I honestly can't say, I don't really think I believed because of my two older sisters.  
9. What's your favorite Christmas scent? (Candle/Perfume)
I love peppermint and pine needles. I really love Winter from Bath & Body Works
10. What do you love most about Christmas?
I love seeing my niece and nephews faces when they open their gifts. I also love having all my friends and family home for the holidays. 

Blogs that I tag:
A Latter Day Teen
The Cosmetic Effect
Coffee with Kai

And lastly I tag everyone to do this tag as well. 

Hope you all enjoyed! 
xoxo Franchesca