Hey everyone!
So today is the last day of skincare 101 on the blog. Today I will be giving you all a glimpse into my all so very simple routine. This is the routine I reach for on a day to day basis, now I do however have a separate routine for those day where I wake up and my skin feel really dry which I have already made a post on which you can find [here]. Check it out if you suffer from dry skin.
Here’s a little bit about my skin. I have dry acne prone skin which makes it difficult to find products that don’t over dry my skin and can still keep my skin clear. I typically stick to really basic cleansing products, nothing to fancy that makes huge clams. What I tend to look for in my skincare routine is that a product simply cleanse, tone, and moisturize [simple right?]. I tend to use the product differently in the morning and at night.
In the morning I will cleanse with my cleanser as per usual, but instead of using a toner I simply splash my face with cold water to close my pores. Now I do this because like I said above I have dry skin and every toner with the exception of the Lancôme one I mentioned in my Dry Skin Rescuers post simply dry out my skin. I then go onto moisturizing. I go in with my dual action moisturizer to help fight my acne, then with my daily moisturizer with SPF. The last step to my morning routine is to spot treat any spots with a spot treatment.
Now at nighttime I like to remove my makeup with coconut oil, I use it all over my face to breakdown all of the makeup. I then go in my cleanser as usual and this time I tone to remove any last traces of product. I then move on to moisturize with my dual action moisturizer and instead of my lotion with SPF, I opt for coconut oil at night because you don’t need SPF when you’re sleeping. Again I go and spot treat any spots with my spot treatment.
Products I use:
- Simple Refreshing Gel Face Wash: Like the name this product is simple. It makes not claims to fight acne, which is perfectly fine by me. This does a really nice job at cleansing your skin.
- Elizabeth Arden Refining Toner Lotion: I recently picked this out of my stash after running out of my Lancôme toner and I’m pleasantly surprised. Now this is heavily fragranced, so if you’re sensitive to fragrance products stay clear. But if your not check it out. It does a really nice job of removing any left over product and it really helps minimize my pores.
- Clean&Clear Dual Action moisturizer: I have used this product for about two and a half years now and I love it. I think it’s amazing for help keep skin clear because it contains salicylic acid . Now this isn’t the most moisturizing product out there, but when I don’t use it I notice my skin isn’t its best.
- Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15: This is a typical moisturizer, nothing special to be honest, but it does the job of hydrating and protecting.
- Clean&Clear Persa-Get 10: This is a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment. It is the strongest form you can get over the counter and for the price it works wonders.
What products are in your skincare routine?
*Previous Skincare 101 Post:
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
xoxo Franchesca