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Night in Valentines Day!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

For some reason today a day all about love can many times be overshadowed by the lack of love or loved one is a persons life. Well today I'm here to tell you that you don't need to be in a relationship to happy on valentines day. Now you can either take today and look at it like any other day or you can just love yourself a little more than usual. I have been in a relationships for the past four valentines days and I have NEVER done anything special for valentines day so take it from me if you're down about being alone today even us taken girls will probably be giving ourselves some pampering time.

Instead of feeling down or even if a day like today doesn't phase you [good for you!] why not take a day like today to just unwind from the work week. Give your nails the full treatment and slap on your favorite face mask. Cuddle up to with a movie marathon [I'll be watching Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights] and a glass of vino [if you're old enough]. Finish that book you've been meaning too. Do whatever you want today, don't let not being in a relationship ruin a day all about love. If you're single embrace it!

Hope you all have a lovely valentines day, no matter what you all are doing!

Sending lots of love
xoxo Franchesca