Hello Everyone!!
So this past Friday marked the first month of me blogging, and yesterday I was nominated for the Liebster Award!!! I cant believe it, I have not been doing this that long and for someone to nominate me made me grin from ear to ear. I was nominated by A Latter-Day Teen and Litas and Luxury, so make sure you all check them out! I am just so honored, I cant even believe it!
So this past Friday marked the first month of me blogging, and yesterday I was nominated for the Liebster Award!!! I cant believe it, I have not been doing this that long and for someone to nominate me made me grin from ear to ear. I was nominated by A Latter-Day Teen and Litas and Luxury, so make sure you all check them out! I am just so honored, I cant even believe it!
Liebster Award Rules!
- Post 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions the awarding blogger has posted for you
- Nominate 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) for the award and link them in your post
- Let the bloggers you have nominated know they are nominated
- No tag backs!
11 Random Fact About Me!
- I have the same birthday as one of my older sisters and three cousins
- I love flying
- Majority of my facial expressions are subconscious
- I laugh at my own jokes (cause I think I'm hilarious)
- I'm an EXTREMELY picky eater (my boyfriends have always hated it)
- I hate the lingering smell of food when you're cooking
- I picked the names of my niece and nephew
- I'm slightly obsessed with my name and so is every guy at my University
- My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip
- I mumble constantly (my roommates have a guessing game of what I say sometimes, lol)
- I love me some whiskey
Questions asked by A Latter-Day Teen
- If you had to listen to one band or singer for the rest of you life, who would it be? Drake or Boyce Avenue.
- What is your favorite color? An aqua/turquoise/sea green blend.
- The mountains or beach? Beach!!
- How would you describe your style? Simplistic and classic.
- What is your favorite Holiday? Halloween.
- What was the worst thing you did as a child? I chopped of my hair constantly.
- If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Everywhere! But if I had to choose one Paris.
- When you read the title "A Latter-Day Teen" what do you think about? A modern day teen.
- What do you have to have before you leave the house? My phone.
- What would like to do before you die? Travel to every country in the world or master at minimum 6 languages.
Questions asked Litas and Luxury
- Who's your inspiration? I get most of my inspiration from shows like Sex and the City and from celebrities like Olivia Palermo and Lauren Conrad.
- If you could have 3 superpowers, what would they be? Fly, to be able to teleport, and the ability to learn anything and everything possible.
- What were your intentions when you started your blog? I wanted to blog because I wanted to join a community of people who share the same interest as me.
- Favorite brand of makeup? NARS
- Fall or Spring? Fall
- Why did you start blogging? I wanted to share my interest with the internet community.
- Favorite fashion trend? I'm not really one to stay on top of trends but I love riding boots (does that count as a trend?)
- Do you want to pursue a career in the fashion industry? I would love to. Working for Marie Claire would be a dream, however I'm currently pursuing a career in the international politics realm.
- Your Location (Country)? United States (east coast)
- What is your definition of a "blog"? A place were one can share their thoughts and interest.
- Dream vacation? A week in Bora Bora
- My Life As A Beauty Addict
- Peony and Peach
- I Hold Tight to Dreams That Never End
- Paige One
- Dinosaur Dances
- Corasphere
- Buttered Side Up
- Kiss & Makeup
- Amore For Fashion
- Vintage Rose
- Beauty, Reviews, Fashion & More
My Question for Nominees!
- Favorite place you've ever visited?
- Favorite food?
- Favorite song at the moment?
- What are you afraid of?
- Favorite clothing store?
- What is something you hate?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Favorite pizza topping?
- Morning or Night person?
- Favorite drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)?
- Favorite book?
* I tried to make sure that those that I nominated haven't yet been nominated, I tried, there maybe some who have already gotten the award!
*Even if I didn't nominate you please feel free to answer the question and comment below! I would love to read your responses!
*Even if I didn't nominate you please feel free to answer the question and comment below! I would love to read your responses!
Once again I want to thank A Latter-Day Teen and Litas and Luxury for the nomination! Hope you all enjoyed.
Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca