So finals are finally here. This time of the semester can be stressful so to help you all a bit I've complied my top 10 tips for staying on top of finals.
Here they are...
- Organize your calendar. Schedule your study times, review sessions, and time of each exam.
- Know what kind of studier you are. Everyone learns differently, so if outlines don't work for you, maybe creating a powerpoint presentation may work.
- Prioritize which exam matters most. What I mean by this is to spend more time on a course in which you are have always had trouble in. There is no reason to spend the same amount of time studying for an exam in a subject in which you excel. For example I am absolutely awful with any type of math, but I excel in my history courses. So I prioritize my math finals over my history one.
- Study guides are your friend! If a professor is nice enough to make a study guide USE IT! Study guides can help you understand what information will be important for the exam. If a professor does not hand out a study guide, create your own from old exams.
- When studying put your phone on do not disturb mode!
- Take advantage of office hours. Office hours are a great place to ask your professor any questions you come across. Sometimes you can get some really helpful information for the exams, like telling you what chapters to focus on.
- Take study breaks. It's the end of the semester and your brain is probably fried, so take a break and watch a movie, grab a quick bite or take a little power nap.
- Get a good nights sleep. I know that its hard to not pull an all-nighter, but chances are you'll only stress yourself out.
- Have blue books and scantrons in your school bag ready to go. Put them in the night before, that way in the morning you won't forget.
- Relax! After you have studied for weeks, you have done all you can do.

Hope this was helpful and best of luck on finals!
xoxo Franchesca