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My Weekend In Photos!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend, now some of you may have noticed that my weekend in photos post is going up a bit later than usual. This is because my weekend was extended a day due to snow and for the very first time in my college career there was a snow day!

This weekend filled with great people, awesome food and tons of laughter. As per usual I went to a couple bars this weekend and thats always a good time. I went to my very first college basketball game and we won! It only took me four years to finally attend one but it was a lot of fun. For all of you in the states and hell just about anyone who watches sports know that this Sunday was the Super Bowl, and it it was the worst Super Bowl I've seen. There was no game the Seahawks demolished the Broncos who didn't come to play. Because I have been snowed in these couple of days lots of tv and movies have been watched. I love Kevin Hart, he is just hilarious so on friday I watched his stand up show and quoted it for the rest of the weekend. Think like A Man is hilarious I've seen it about three times now an I still laugh. Rules of Engagement is just your classic good ol' comedy show, if I don't know what to watch I'll just put Rules of Engagement on and its always funny. 

What did you all do this weekend?

Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca