Hey Everyone!
Hope you all has a lovely weekend. This weeks weekend in photos sadly has hardly any photos :(
This weekend I went the Washington DC, and for living in the states for my entire life I'm quite ashamed to say I had never been to the nations capital. I went with my boyfriend to visit some of his friends for their birthday. Now I'm really disappointed that I didn't really take any photos while there, but I was just more concerned about having a good time.
I sorta did the whole tourist thing in DC, saw a couple of the monuments and then went to the Smithsonian American History Museum, which was really cool. There is so much to do in DC that you need more than just a weekend. I didn't get to see everything, but I did make it to Georgetown Cupcakes which I didn't want to buy into the hype but there is no denying these cupcakes are just some of the best ones I've had. I also went to Adams Morgan which is a strip in DC with a bunch of bars, they also have this pizza shop called Jumbo Slice where the slices are seriously bigger than your head. Not gonna lie when I heard about it I thought they were exaggerating, turns out they weren't. After a weekend of not relaxing, sunday was a good day to just watch a movie. We watch the new film Her and I will say this its a great film but its definitely different! But for sure something I think worth a watch. All in all my weekend in DC was filled with great company, great food, great drinks and lots and lots of laughter and fun.
For those who have been to DC or are from the DC area I plan on making another trip, what are some suggestions of places I should go or things I should check out for next time I'm there?
Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca