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FIF Goes Decor?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Friday!

Fashion Inspiration Friday goes interior design! I figured decor is basically fashion just for your home, right? Anyways, I have found myself day dreaming day in and day out about how I will decorate my home office. I'm about to graduate college and typically one moves into their own "grow up" apartment (a girl can dream). I've always wanted a place that I could get super creative in and I know that I will be looking for a space that will have room for a home office.

I like to think that my place will be beach chic meets upper east side, whatever that means. Maybe in a year or so I will be able to show you all what beach chic meets upper east side really means. But until then here are some home offices I would love to model by very own after.

How would you all describe your interior design style?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
xoxo Franchesca