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Mini Haul!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Do you guys just go on late night trips to target and just come out with the most random things ever? Well thats what happened last night! Heres a quick little story. So yesterday afternoon I was listening to Iggy Azalea's interview on the Breakfast Club [105.1 NY Station] and in that interview she mentioned how before going to dinner on her first date she and her date [Nick Young; LA Lakers Player] strolled through target. I thought this was hilarious! However, she made a good point she said one can learn a lot about someone at target. For example what aisles they go down what kinda food they like, etc. However I didn't go to target to find out more about my boyfriend however it was pretty funny how much he knew me. He automatically went down the cosmetic aisles with me and picked everything I got except the elf brush. So here what I picked up...

Pond's Dry Skin Cream: I have dry skin, that is something I mention just about every other post. This is product I used for years but once I ran out I just never picked up a new one. So when I saw this yesterday I knew I had to pick it up and for five bucks its a great deal.

Biore Pore Strips: I have wanted to try these for years but have just been super scared. I've heard so many mixed reviews but I'm finally going to try them for myself! [have you tried them?]

Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm: I picked up just one in the color Audacious, I'm not huge on matte lips but I have heard so much about these sticks that I had to give one a shot. [are you fans of this range?]

L'Oreal Nail Polish: This is in the shade I Will [I'm guessing part of a bridal collection]. The only reason I got this was because it was on clearance so why not!

Elf Small Stippling Brush: This is the very first Elf product I've owned. I have had my eyes on this brush for a while now because of the raved reviews it has gotten. I've tried to pick it up multiple times but every time I have it was sold out. But now I finally have it!!

Vaseline Lip Therapy: Obviously in the cocoa butter scent because I love the smell of cocoa butter. This was probably the most random purchases, but its super adorable!!

Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca