Do you guys just go on late night trips to target and just come out with the most random things ever? Well thats what happened last night! Heres a quick little story. So yesterday afternoon I was listening to Iggy Azalea's interview on the Breakfast Club [105.1 NY Station] and in that interview she mentioned how before going to dinner on her first date she and her date [Nick Young; LA Lakers Player] strolled through target. I thought this was hilarious! However, she made a good point she said one can learn a lot about someone at target. For example what aisles they go down what kinda food they like, etc. However I didn't go to target to find out more about my boyfriend however it was pretty funny how much he knew me. He automatically went down the cosmetic aisles with me and picked everything I got except the elf brush. So here what I picked up...
Pond's Dry Skin Cream: I have dry skin, that is something I mention just about every other post. This is product I used for years but once I ran out I just never picked up a new one. So when I saw this yesterday I knew I had to pick it up and for five bucks its a great deal.
Biore Pore Strips: I have wanted to try these for years but have just been super scared. I've heard so many mixed reviews but I'm finally going to try them for myself! [have you tried them?]
Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm: I picked up just one in the color Audacious, I'm not huge on matte lips but I have heard so much about these sticks that I had to give one a shot. [are you fans of this range?]
L'Oreal Nail Polish: This is in the shade I Will [I'm guessing part of a bridal collection]. The only reason I got this was because it was on clearance so why not!
Elf Small Stippling Brush: This is the very first Elf product I've owned. I have had my eyes on this brush for a while now because of the raved reviews it has gotten. I've tried to pick it up multiple times but every time I have it was sold out. But now I finally have it!!
Vaseline Lip Therapy: Obviously in the cocoa butter scent because I love the smell of cocoa butter. This was probably the most random purchases, but its super adorable!!
Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca