So I had a rather busy weekend surprisingly considering the weather was not so great, however I went on a walk around my campus, because it is just gorgeous in the fall! If you have never been to West Virginia in the fall, it's a must have! This weekend was also homecoming weekend here so like a true Mountaineer I got up early to tailgate and drank way to much before kickoff. We might have lost but the boys played a good game. I also went on a very scenic drive to some near by cabins with my roommate, it was seriously so beautiful and cozy we made plans to do it again. Recently there has been a number of breweries popping up around town so my roommate and her family tried out the Mountain State Brewing Co. and I really enjoyed it. However I'm not sure if it would be my favorite brewery on campus. Looks like I'll have to go on a brewery crawl (very necessary)! As I am in University I did have a ton of things to do. I have four papers, a mid-term exam and research proposal all due this week so if my posts are a bit sparse this week please forgive me, but studies first!
Also I know I must be one of the last people to read John Milton's Paradise Lost, however I recently began reading the epic poem for a course and am really enjoying it. For those who have read the poem how did you guys take it? And for those who haven't read it I totally recommend you check it out.
Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca