Hi Everyone!
So this weekend I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by the lovely Dominique from Euphoria-xoxo so make sure you all check out her blog! This is an award for bloggers whose positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere. As I have not been blogging that long, I am so honored! So thank you so soo much Dominique!
Sunshine Award Rules:
- Share 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 set questions by your nomination blogger
- Nominate 11 bloggers
- Include 11 questions for your nominees to answer
11 Random Facts About Me!
- I hate going into an unorganized store. I try to stay clear of the Forever21 in my local mall because it looks like a tornado hit it.
- I dislike fish, I've tried it a number of times and I just cant do it.
- However I like lobster, shrimp, crab, calamari, and oysters.
- My favorite author is F. Scott Fitzgerald. Love all his books.
- My favorite book is The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald.
- I absolutely LOVE Adriana Lima (she's just GORG!)
- I try to eat a banana a day because my skin always look great when I do.
- I own one pair of sneakers and they're running shoes that I never use.
- I love going to little bistros (I feel like I'm in a movie or something when I do)
- After watching sinister I slept with my light on for two days.
- I love cereal!
Questions From Euphoria-xoxo
- What do you hope to achieve from blogging? Im not sure yet... Just see where it takes me
- What is the best thing that has happened to you so far in your life? Meeting my best friends! I dont know what'd I do without them.
- Do you have any fears? I have a bunch, but the first that comes to mind is clowns
- When’s your birthday? June 30 (I'm 21)
- You are sent to a desert island for 1 year and you can only take one thing. What would you take? Sunscreen
- Do you have any siblings? Yes, two older sisters.
- What’s your favourite colour? A turquoise/aqua/sea green blend
- Do you have a favourite perfume? At the moment it's the Britney Spears Fantasy
- What are the 3 items that you always carry in your handbag? Lip balm, wallet, phone
- Converse or Jeffrey Campbell? Converse
- Mascara or false lashes? Mascara on an everyday basis, but I like using false lashes for special occasions.
- Belle Jeunesse
- My Secret Fashion Poison
- Beauty In His Name
- Beautyfabb
- Pretty & Pearls
- In the Spot Light
- The Science of Procrastination
- Hanhabelle
- Modish Maverick
- Laurenmidd
- Life of Niss
Questions For Nominees!
- What/who is your inspiration?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Favorite Song at the moment?
- Favorite blogs?
- Where do you hope to see your blog in a year?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- Where do you do most of your online shopping?
- Lipstick, lipgloss or lip balm?
- Favorite skincare product?
- Favorite makeup brand?
- Favorite hair mask?
Enjoy the rest of your day!
xoxo Franchesca