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Sunshine Award!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hi Everyone!

So this weekend I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by the lovely Dominique from Euphoria-xoxo so make sure you all check out her blog! This is an award for bloggers whose positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere. As I have not been blogging that long, I am so honored! So thank you so soo much Dominique! 

Sunshine Award Rules:

  1. Share 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 set questions by your nomination blogger
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers
  4. Include 11 questions for your nominees to answer
11 Random Facts About Me!
  1. I hate going into an unorganized store. I try to stay clear of the Forever21 in my local mall because it looks like a tornado hit it. 
  2. I dislike fish, I've tried it a number of times and I just cant do it. 
  3. However I like lobster, shrimp, crab, calamari, and oysters. 
  4. My favorite author is F. Scott Fitzgerald. Love all his books.
  5. My favorite book is The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald.
  6. I absolutely LOVE Adriana Lima (she's just GORG!)
  7. I try to eat a banana a day because my skin always look great when I do.
  8. I own one pair of sneakers and they're running shoes that I never use. 
  9. I love going to little bistros (I feel like I'm in a movie or something when I do)
  10. After watching sinister I slept with my light on for two days.
  11. I love cereal! 
Questions From Euphoria-xoxo
  1. What do you hope to achieve from blogging? Im not sure yet... Just see where it takes me 
  2. What is the best thing that has happened to you so far in your life? Meeting my best friends! I dont know what'd I do without them. 
  3. Do you have any fears? I have a bunch, but the first that comes to mind is clowns
  4. When’s your birthday? June 30 (I'm 21)
  5. You are sent to a desert island for 1 year and you can only take one thing. What would you take? Sunscreen 
  6. Do you have any siblings? Yes, two older sisters.
  7. What’s your favourite colour? A turquoise/aqua/sea green blend
  8. Do you have a favourite perfume? At the moment it's the Britney Spears Fantasy
  9. What are the 3 items that you always carry in your handbag? Lip balm, wallet, phone
  10. Converse or Jeffrey Campbell? Converse
  11. Mascara or false lashes? Mascara on an everyday basis, but I like using false lashes for special occasions. 
  1. What/who is your inspiration?
  2. Coffee or Tea?
  3. Favorite Song at the moment?
  4. Favorite blogs?
  5. Where do you hope to see your blog in a year?
  6. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  7. Where do you do most of your online shopping?
  8. Lipstick, lipgloss or lip balm?
  9. Favorite skincare product?
  10. Favorite makeup brand? 
  11. Favorite hair mask?
Once again I want to thank Dominique from Euphoria-xoxo for the nomination! Hope you all enjoyed!

Enjoy the rest of your day!
xoxo Franchesca