Hi everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA these couple of days, but as my winter break came to a close I wanted to spend some time with my family and friends. I was also traveling all day yesterday. So as I was traveling all day yesterday I thought I'd share whats in my travel bag.
A magazine or book is essential when traveling, they can kill so much time. I have here the Marie Claire January issue. I always carry my little journal/notebook and a pen everywhere I just started journaling and I love writing, who knew? Also a pen is great to carry when traveling cause there is also some document to fill out. I only flew domestic so a passport isn't necessary but I always travel with this thing, you never know when you'll need more identification. Eye glasses cause they live in my purse along with my sunglasses which I got from Nordstroms about 2 years ago and have no idea what brand they are. Headphones cause who doesn't like listening to music when traveling. As I do live on the East Coast and well its winter gloves have also found residency in my bag. These are basic Tory Burch that I've had for about three years now. Tissues are always in my bag and these I actually got in my Jolly voxbox from Influenster. Gum because I drink to much coffee and well coffee breath isn't cute. My wallet is from Kate Spade and is absolutely ancient I've had this since 8th grade and Its still in amazing shape (so worth the money). For my traveling is a no makeup day so I usually just through a lipbalm in my bag to keep my lips healthy. Here I have the Neosporin lip health, daily hydration therapy. It has SPF 20 and I've really enjoyed the Neosporin lip health line. Lastly my phone, when traveling it's mostly used for music and ibooks. I started reading Find Her Keep Her form Z.I. Arkadie which was free on itunes and I'm too invested for my own good. If you're into romance novels check it out (if its still free). Oh and I got my phone case off amazon for less than $3!
Hope you all enjoyed!
And if you're on the East Coast and have gotten hit with this arctic blast, stay warm!! Drink lots of hot coco or tea or whatever keeps you warm!
Stay warm East Coast!
xoxo Franchesca