Hey everyone!
So like many of you I made some resolutions this year and well I broke them up in different categories, such as life, beauty, etc. Today I will share my beauty resolutions for 2014. Here they are...
- Work out more! Now I will not be working out to lose any weight because I would look emaciated if I lost anymore weight. However working out does help clear up my skin.
- Eat better for your skin's sake. I have extremely temperamental skin and if I eat to much junk I will breakout and look like pizza face.
- Experiment with new makeup trends. I'm a neutral girl all the way, I rarely if ever where anything bold... maybe a red or berry lip here and there.
- Take better care of my hair. I probably straighten my hair to much for a curly haired gal and well that just dries out my already naturally dry hair. So this year I plan to embrace my curly hair more.
- Clean my makeup brushes regularly. I'm sure I'm not the only who just puts cleaning makeup brushes on the back burner. This year I plan to schedule some time to do it every week.
What are some of your beauty resolutions for 2014?
Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca