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My Weekend In Photos!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hey everyone!

So sorry for the lack of post last week and this weekend, lots of school work and I was on the road once again this weekend. If you keep up with my post you would have heard I went to DC about a two months ago. This weekend I was back in DC for the boyfriends birthday. Because I there recently, I had no desire to really do the touristy things, instead I took advantage of the city shopping.Where I am currently going to school there is absolutely no decent shopping, if I would like to do any shopping I would have to go to the closest city which is Pittsburgh [so that doesn't happen often]. Its safe to say that this post is really a mini DC haul with a little lifestyle thrown in.

So if you have been fallowing me on twitter you would know I have been on the hunt for the Anastasia brow pomade, and everywhere I go they are sold out. This weekend my boyfriends, friend's lovely wife was kind enough to take me to the makeup stores to finally get my hands on it. It took fours beauty stores but I finally found it! I also decided I wanted to give MAC products a try so I picked up the pro longwear concealer [NC30], a lipstick in angel, and painterly paint pot [reviews coming soon]. One thing I noticed in DC that I think everywhere should do and I believe most places do is the military discount. Because of this military discount I ended up purchasing a pair of running shoes, I don't run. They were on sale and on top of that I got my boyfriends military discount. So super savings!!

I strongly believe that a trip to DC is not complete without a stop at Georgetown Cupcakes, as I said before I didn't want to buy into the hype, but these cupcakes are just the best. If I had to recommend just one I their flavors it would be the peanut butter one. It is phenomenal! And because it was the boyfriends birthday we had to get a half dozen of just peanut butter [his fav]. On our first night in DC after traveling in a car for a couple of hours going out to a bar was just not realistic, so we finally went to go see 300 Rise of an Empire. Really good movie, but not really related to the first 300 film, and if your not into bloody movies like myself [I hate battle scenes] its not that bad.

What did you all do this weekend?

xoxo Franchesca