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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate

Monday, June 8, 2015

You know that one product that you use everyday, but never realize how vital it is to your routine till one day you switch things up and it goes completely horrible? No, never experienced that (lucky you!). Well this past week I did.

Every since becoming pregnant my skin has done a complete 180 on me. I use to be very dry/dehydrated now I can get quite greasy. Back in February I picked up the Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate and had been using it as my night time oil religiously. It has worked great for my skin, its kept it hydrated and felling plump in the mornings. No miracle worker here... or so I thought.

About two weeks ago I didn't use this at all, and my skin was not happy. I couldn't pin point what was causing the terrible breakout, but once I added this baby back into the mix things started to calm down. No more new spots, the old spots started to subside, and I noticed a difference in my hyper-pigmentation. During my stint without this I noticed dehydration lines, but in just one night of using this product those line have disappeared. Miracle worker!

Oh and I love using this on my belly too! Not to much just typically whatever is left over, I think the oils help prevent huge stretch marks.

Kiehl's get another thumbs up from me!
Have you all tried this before?

xoxo Franchesca