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2014 Blogger Challenge!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to share with you all the 2014 Blogger Challenge. This challenge was created by Gaby from Another Girly BlogThe challenge is to write a blogpost twice a month about different topics. Posts will go live during the 1st and the 3rd week of each month. Everyone who signs up will be sent an email with the topics for the post. The topic ideas are there to give you new ideas and encourage you to write about things you wouldn't normally write about. 

AnotherGirlyBlgThe great thing about this challenge is that anyone can get involved, doesn't matter what type of blog you have! The signup deadline is December 9th (fast approaching)!! To sign up you can leave a comment on Another Girly Blog's post or e-mail her directly at, you can also e-mail Gaby with any questions or concerns you may have! There is more information, along with a list of other blogs participating in the challenge. Hope you guys join!                                                    
Thank you Gaby for creating this challenge, it's a great one!

Have a great day!
xoxo Franchesca