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Friday 5!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy Friday everyone!

Todays I'm doing my very first friday 5. These are completely random things I've just thrown together.

Because this is how I feel right now!

At my uni the bars have this special on thursdays that they give out free drinks and well let just say that if its thursday I'm at the bar and fridays I feel the pain. 

Meghan Markel
 I'm missing suits and I think Meghan Markel is gorgeous.

Last night I probably should've gone to another bar because reminders of exes were everywhere and well this is how I felt. 

On the plus side to last night my hair looked good. 

 I was listening to Pandora earlier this week and Lee Dewyze come on and I got so excited. The season he won American Idol was the last time and first time I watched the entire season. Love his voice!

Hope you all have a great weekend!
xoxo Franchesca