First let me give you some background on my hair. I have a combo-curl(I totally just made this up) but my hair could be ringlet curls or s-curls or a combination of the two. The texture of my hair as well is combination, its quite corse at the top of my head but quite fine and smooth towards the bottom.
As I think most curly haired gals growing up I tried everything to flatten out my hair. The only thing I didn't do was anything chemically (thank you mom) but applied heat a ton. As you can imagine I had heat damage, but surprisingly not to bad I think that's more my moms doing as she was so adamant in rollers are the best to straighten curly hair, and she took the straighter away from me as well. So, in recent years I have learned to embrace my curls. I once read curls are beautiful, sexy, and sassy-rock them as they are.
Here are my tips for you curly haired gals:
- Do NOT was your hair everyday: I was terrible with this one and just started really living by this rule. Curly hair is naturally dry so washing daily is just going make the matter worse. Now if you must wash everyday, go for a gentle shampoo or a cleansing milk. One that won't completely strip your hair. Shea Moisture does great affordable products.
- Hair Masks are your friend: I recently just went a couple months without a mask and I recently picked one up and the difference is astonishing. Curly hair needs the extra moisture. They're so many DIY hair masks as well.
- Do NOT brush: This seems a little extreme, but if you must brush use a wide tooth comb. I use my fingers to go through knots. I notice that when I finger curl I get much more volume and have less fall out.
- T-Shirt dry: For years I thought this was complete bologna, but after a couple tries this really does help reduce frizz. I know it has something to do with friction, but if you do have time to give this a try I totally recommend you do.
- Understand YOUR Curl: Like everything, curls are specific to one person. What works for you doesn't work for me and vice versa. But understanding your curl will allow you to get the result you want. A little research never hurt anyone.
xoxo Franchesca